Posts tagged Canada
SERIES: COVID-19’s Long-Term Policy Implications - COVID-19’s Impacts on U.S. Foreign Policy, Immigration, and Global Leadership

COVID-19 does not recognize borders and has been spreading throughout the world. Efforts to fight the virus have shifted international relationships, begging the question what lasting impacts the pandemic may have on the global world order. While some countries are leveraging emergency declarations to consolidate power and maintain order, others see COVID-19 as an opportunity to advance in the global pecking order.

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SERIES: COVID-19’s Long-Term Policy Implications - Trade After the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the daily interactions from the individual to the international scale. As companies and countries scramble to acquire the materials needed to fight the virus, some lawmakers are calling for a reorganization of trade lines and re-shoring of manufacturing in an effort to prepare for future emergencies.

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